A simple and flexible auth library that works alongside your database.
I think I'm best "known" for my work on auth libraries, but I'm interested in anything web dev... well maybe except CSS. I enjoy taking photos, drawing, playing games, traveling, and cooking.
Feel free to message me on Twitter or Discord!
A simple and flexible auth library that works alongside your database.
A basic guideline on implementing auth for the web.
A collection of auth-related utilities.
OAuth 2.0 and OIDC clients for major providers.
Manage package changes and releases without leaving GitHub.
Generate simple and clean documentation with markdown - written in Go.
A quick blog on how I would implement auth for my applications.
Stop overthinking and over-abstracting.
Figuring out how a major auth provider fucked up.
Generate cryptographically strong random values with the Web Crypto API.
OAuth isn't hard.
Should you use cookies or local storage for storing credentials?
Next.js has been one of the most frustrating frameworks I've ever worked with.
What makes something GDPR compliant, and how do you implement analytics without violating it?